We would like to inform you that students who fall under the provisions of Law 4957/2022, Article 86, Paragraph 4, and according to the following Ministerial Decision published in the Government Gazette 4899/B’/16.09.2022, are entitled to exemption from the tuition fees of the postgraduate programme.

Ministerial Decision in Government Gazette

Students can electronically submit their tuition fee exemption application and the necessary supporting documents (Article 5, Government Gazette 4899/B’/16.09.2022) to the Secretariat of the postgraduate programme from 18/10/2023 to 01/11/2023. These applications will be reviewed by the Medical School, provided that the applicants also meet the excellence criteria in their primary degree grades (Government Gazette 4899/B′/16.09.2022/ Article 2/Paragraph 3).

In Government Gazette 4837/B′/01.08.2023, Ministerial Decision No. 84560/Z1/27.07.2023 was published, which specifies the amount corresponding to the national median disposable equivalent income for the academic year 2023-2024.

Please note:

  • The number of exempted students should not exceed thirty percent (30%) of the total number of students admitted to the postgraduate programme. If the number of eligible applicants exceeds this percentage, they will be selected based on ranking, starting with those having the lowest income, up to the 30% threshold.

ΑΙΤΗΣΗ ΑΠΑΛΛΑΓΗΣ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΡΩΝ 2023-2024 / Tuition Fee Exemption Application 2023-2024

Ρύθμιση θεμάτων ΠΜΣ-ΦΕΚ-2022 / Regulation of Postgraduate Programme- Government Gazette 2022

ΥΠΕΥΘΥΝΗ ΔΗΛΩΣΗ ΑΠΑΛΛΑΓΗΣ ΔΙΔΑΚΤΡΩΝ / Declaration for Tuition Fee Exemption

ΦΕΚ 4837 Τ.Β΄2023 / Government Gazette 4837/B′/2023